My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny

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Queens, NY, United States
We live in a world full of certifiable, psychotic and derange crazies who are all on the verge of madness. Everyone is insane except me. I am sharing my rational, balanced and lucid knowledge in an attempt to save the world of total confinement in insanity. But this is just my 2Cents and it's not worth a penny.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Smell the Sh----, I mean roses.

By: K. W. Floria
May 9. 2008

A few weeks ago an eleven-year-old child was found hanging in her bedroom closet. Could you imagine a mother calling her child to dinner and after several attempts with no response she goes to check on her? Could you imagine the horror this mother must of felt finding her baby dead? A successful suicide. This mothers’ child, that emerged from her loins, through pain, sweat and blood. Her precious little baby, who she vowed to care for, love and protect, is dead. What guilt she must be enduring, the torture, and possible losing her own will to live. 

I’m going to call the little girl Mary. What I heard was that a year ago Mary had an accident and broke her hip. She was out of school for almost a year. When she returned to school she was on crutches, and was disabled by child standards. The children in the school started teasing her, picking on her. I heard her mother on the radio say that, the kids in school had cut Mary’s braids, and done other things. Her mother went to the school and complained and was told that kids would be kids. Nothing was done, the kids weren’t reprimanded and Mary was not transferred to another school.

It is a horror that a little girl, who only lived for eleven years on this earth, felt that life was so hopeless that she rather be dead. I’ve heard a little boy about five years old say he wanted to go to heaven. Religion is fine and good. It’s nice that there is hope for a better life then there is this earth. But God gave us this gift of life; it is the ultimate disrespect to reject His gift with suicide. Don’t you think? When teaching children about heaven and earth, be careful. For a five-year-old child to say he wants to go to heaven and for an eleven-year-old child to take her own life, someone is painting heaven like a tourist attraction. I haven’t met anyone to come back to life and confirm the existence, and perfect world of heaven.

To live we must live each day as our last. You never know the fate of tomorrow.  You may be hungry, homeless and cold today. If you give up, you may miss a future blessing. When life tries to knock me down, I stand strong. Like a story, good or bad I want to keep turning the pages to see how it ends. It’s been several decades since I was eleven, and there were times that I thought of taking a nice sedated trip into the great unknown. Curiosity kept me here.

 My question is, was the torment from a bunch of untrained seven grade children so unbearable? Was it more to it? I’m from the flower child, free love era. We had the KKK, civil rights movement, Vietnam, drugs, gangs. Sometimes the wrong people got caught up in the wrong shit and shit happens. But it was a time when gas was 53 cents a gallon, 20 cents for a subway ride, and a pack of cigarettes cost 40 cents and could smoke anywhere you wanted. Some families didn’t have telephones or TV’s. Computers and trips to outer space were Sci-Fi imagination. We use to love to go outside and play ball, ring-a-levy, hide and seek, ride bikes. Or just hangout under a nice shaded tree with a group of friends.

I hear that little kids take drugs, for their nerves, because they are stressed out. I couldn’t understand why they are so stressed. So I started thinking about it, gas is close to five dollars a gallon, cigarettes almost ten dollars a pack, a gallon of milk five dollars. Not to mention what the cost of clothes is, even non-designer gear are overpriced, wash and wear a few times then throw them out. It takes more than two incomes to keep a household going. Mom and dad are stressed out, popping Zoloft, Prozac or whatever designer pill is in fashion, washed down with a liter of scotch. Where’s the communication with the kids. Cussing them out for not taking out the garbage, for talking too loud or blasting the rap music you don’t want to hear and don’t care what they are raping to your kids. Do you communicate with your children? Do you know what they are thinking? Off to daycare early in the morning, and the after school program in the evening. Fast food junkies, while killing, raping, drugs, gangs and guns baby sit the kids on any of the two hundred cable channels, rented movies, websites, and for good measure let’s throw in some video games for exercise.  

Don’t have time to take the kids to the park, but you find time for the gym. Yea the streets are dangerous, there are more guns on the streets of New York then there are in Iraq. Kids are being killed because they wore the wrong color, stepped on someone shoe. Hell they don’t even have to do anything, they could just be on their way to school or sitting on their bed and get shot. You got hate groups, who hate because the other person is different. There are the trigger happy, scared cops who shot fifty bullets in a groom, because they scared. And that’s okay, they aint going to do no time for it. So lets’ get Al and march like King did in the 60’s, go to jail for civil disobedience. That’ll show them.

Why not march on the tears of mothers whose sons and daughters are the victims of the black on black crime. Black folks blasted Bill Cosby, black folks got to clean their own house before anyone else is going to respect them. Can’t criticize the KKK or the White Supremacy groups, when we kill more of our own then they do. Slavery, Jim Crow is a dead subject. This is a new world, where dumb niggers are left behind.

Black folk’s aint the only ones skid marks in their draws. In rural white communities when nice white kids are unhappy they get a gun and shoot up the campus, or make bombs and broadcast it over the internet. Then commit suicide for their fifteen minutes of fame. They do drugs; they rape women and grow up to be pedophiles, serial killers, psychopaths.

What does this have to do with an eleven-year-old who commits suicide? I asked, was the torment from a bunch of untrained seventh grade children so unbearable? Was it more to it? Why are young kids so stressed out? Do you think we are hurting our kids? Can we just stop for a minute and smell the roses? If they make you sneeze then smell the shit and start cleaning it up in your little corner of the world and maybe we can all smell some herbal tea instead of caffeine-laced coffee.

May God’s love save us.

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