In the beginning there’s a sperm and an ovary. A joining takes place in the womb, an embryo develops, grows and an infant is born, innocent and ignorant to world outside the safe confines of the womb. The first thing this baby feels is the pain of birth, he learns to scream, and then cry. He’s given a nipple, he learns to suck and feels the warm and soothing milk fill his belly and feels secured cradled in the arms of someone who loves him. He quickly learns that if he whimpers cries and scream someone will come to his aide.
In time he learns to see, lift his head, sit, giggle, talk and finally walk. This takes months and patience for both the baby and the parents. Life is full of learning steps. Some of us learn with few mistakes, and even still some learn from their mistakes and move on. They learn that living is a process and there are rules that will guide all of us through these steps. Life must be met on its terms. You shouldn't rush, because quick steps make more steps when you have to start over again. Can an infant learn to walk before he learned to sit first, or crawl? If he tries, the result will be that he falls.
A child is a child and should live a child’s life. Playing, experimenting and learning. We shouldn't stop playing but there should come a time that we learn that too much playing will stifle our growth. We will mistakes and we should do whatever possible to avoid mistakes. We need to know, that there is a time for paying and there is a time for working. Working hard will make time for plenty of playing later.
We have one life and it’s really a short life. We don’t have plenty of time a head of us, within a single breath, we start to remember when. We come to a juncture in our life and discovered we wasted an era. So we try to catch up and rush to complete a task. What happens to the baby that tried to walk before he was ready? When we fall we hurt ourselves and each time we fall it gets harder. Each day of our lives is a day in the class room of life with many lessons to learn. We don’t have time to throw spit balls and being the class clown. Life is cruel and has no tolerance for nonsense; we must keep up with the changes, learn to get past the obstacles. Arm yourself against temptation battle it with visions of the future.
The answers are always within our reach, so close sometimes that we don’t even see it. We are blind to the obvious and often take the hard way around. My grandmother use to always say, ‘a hard head makes for a soft behind.’ In other words if you continue to ignore the slow and steady path, you will always take the rough road and end up with scratches and bruises and sometime an injury that may be so deep that the healing time will take a chunk out of your life. A time of healing that could have been better used to move forward to your possibilities. Then there’s the chance you may not heal from self inflicted wounds.
You made mistakes and you’re not where you want to be, so you play catch up. Good idea until you hit a brick wall. You’re not moving forward fast enough. You get mad, frustrated and feel like giving up and fall into old habits which has its consequences. You fall further behind and have to start over. You discover what you had before, was better then what you have now and so you beat yourself over the head and consider giving up. When will you learn? Will you ever stop acting like a new born baby and stop crying until you get your way? You do this because you haven’t learned that all that whimpering is not only ugly but useless.
If you take a moment and evaluate all the complaining you’ve done, you may see that you wasted great deal of time that could have been used to move forward in your quest for a better life. If you go with the flow of things you may find yourself closer to where you want to be. You aren’t getting there by whining and complaining, you should know that by now. How many times do you have to bang your head into a brick wall before you realize you keep getting a concussion? When will you realize it’s harmful? When? When you fall into a coma or when you’re finally dead?
Not everyone gets a second chance in life. Those of us, who are lucky to get them, need to embrace them and make the best out of it. Over time we should see that nothing is easy. If you really want the happiness, the success, peace of mind, work for it. If you believe it’s worth it then it’s worth the hard work. The discomfort of achieving your goal must be better then failing to achieve when the opportunity was available. Hard work has its own rewards, we may not see it when we should but we should try to adjust our eyes so we can see when we need to. Remember slow and steady wins the race.
We live in a world full of certifiable, psychotic and derange crazies who are all on the verge of madness. Everyone is insane except me. I am sharing my rational, balanced and lucid knowledge in an attempt to save the world of total confinement in insanity. But this is just my 2Cents and it's not worth a penny.
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny

- My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny
- Queens, NY, United States
- We live in a world full of certifiable, psychotic and derange crazies who are all on the verge of madness. Everyone is insane except me. I am sharing my rational, balanced and lucid knowledge in an attempt to save the world of total confinement in insanity. But this is just my 2Cents and it's not worth a penny.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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