We live in a world full of certifiable, psychotic and derange crazies who are all on the verge of madness. Everyone is insane except me. I am sharing my rational, balanced and lucid knowledge in an attempt to save the world of total confinement in insanity. But this is just my 2Cents and it's not worth a penny.
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny

- My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny
- Queens, NY, United States
- We live in a world full of certifiable, psychotic and derange crazies who are all on the verge of madness. Everyone is insane except me. I am sharing my rational, balanced and lucid knowledge in an attempt to save the world of total confinement in insanity. But this is just my 2Cents and it's not worth a penny.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: Feast of Life
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: Feast of Life: " Plow the rocks,pick the weeds,till the soil with thoughtfulness, Fertilize with love, plant seeds of humanity.Provide warm sunshine,an..."
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: Feast of Life
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: Feast of Life: " Plow the rocks,pick the weeds,till the soil with thoughtfulness, Fertilize with love, plant seeds of humanity.Provide warm sunshine,an..."
Feast of Life
Plow the rocks,
pick the weeds,
till the soil with thoughtfulness,
Fertilize with love,
plant seeds of humanity.
Provide warm sunshine,
and refreshing rain drops.
Nurture a garden of goodness.
Call it,
Harvest organic happiness.
Cut away anger.
Slice off evil.
Discard revenge.
Dice up deceit.
Add spices of joy and cheer,
Sprinkle a dash of kindness,
Blend decency and integrity.
Mix thoroughly.
Prepare hors d’oeuvres,
stuffed with smiles, hugs and kisses.
Bake with fortitude.
Fill the air with the aroma of kindness.
Prepare a banquet of compassion.
Quench the thirst with understanding.
Feed the soul, spirit and heart,
with tolerance and righteousness.
Say grace for this bounty,
share a healthy plate of love,
with an extra large helping of peace on the side.
copyright Kimberly Floria 10/2008
Saturday, December 11, 2010
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: Smell the Sh----, I mean roses.
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: Smell the Sh----, I mean roses.: " By: K. W. FloriaMay 9. 2008 A few weeks ago an eleven-year-old child was found hanging in her bedroom closet. Could you imagine ..."
Smell the Sh----, I mean roses.
By: K. W. Floria
May 9. 2008
A few weeks ago an eleven-year-old child was found hanging in her bedroom closet. Could you imagine a mother calling her child to dinner and after several attempts with no response she goes to check on her? Could you imagine the horror this mother must of felt finding her baby dead? A successful suicide. This mothers’ child, that emerged from her loins, through pain, sweat and blood. Her precious little baby, who she vowed to care for, love and protect, is dead. What guilt she must be enduring, the torture, and possible losing her own will to live.
I’m going to call the little girl Mary. What I heard was that a year ago Mary had an accident and broke her hip. She was out of school for almost a year. When she returned to school she was on crutches, and was disabled by child standards. The children in the school started teasing her, picking on her. I heard her mother on the radio say that, the kids in school had cut Mary’s braids, and done other things. Her mother went to the school and complained and was told that kids would be kids. Nothing was done, the kids weren’t reprimanded and Mary was not transferred to another school.
It is a horror that a little girl, who only lived for eleven years on this earth, felt that life was so hopeless that she rather be dead. I’ve heard a little boy about five years old say he wanted to go to heaven. Religion is fine and good. It’s nice that there is hope for a better life then there is this earth. But God gave us this gift of life; it is the ultimate disrespect to reject His gift with suicide. Don’t you think? When teaching children about heaven and earth, be careful. For a five-year-old child to say he wants to go to heaven and for an eleven-year-old child to take her own life, someone is painting heaven like a tourist attraction. I haven’t met anyone to come back to life and confirm the existence, and perfect world of heaven.
To live we must live each day as our last. You never know the fate of tomorrow. You may be hungry, homeless and cold today. If you give up, you may miss a future blessing. When life tries to knock me down, I stand strong. Like a story, good or bad I want to keep turning the pages to see how it ends. It’s been several decades since I was eleven, and there were times that I thought of taking a nice sedated trip into the great unknown. Curiosity kept me here.
My question is, was the torment from a bunch of untrained seven grade children so unbearable? Was it more to it? I’m from the flower child, free love era. We had the KKK, civil rights movement, Vietnam, drugs, gangs. Sometimes the wrong people got caught up in the wrong shit and shit happens. But it was a time when gas was 53 cents a gallon, 20 cents for a subway ride, and a pack of cigarettes cost 40 cents and could smoke anywhere you wanted. Some families didn’t have telephones or TV’s. Computers and trips to outer space were Sci-Fi imagination. We use to love to go outside and play ball, ring-a-levy, hide and seek, ride bikes. Or just hangout under a nice shaded tree with a group of friends.
I hear that little kids take drugs, for their nerves, because they are stressed out. I couldn’t understand why they are so stressed. So I started thinking about it, gas is close to five dollars a gallon, cigarettes almost ten dollars a pack, a gallon of milk five dollars. Not to mention what the cost of clothes is, even non-designer gear are overpriced, wash and wear a few times then throw them out. It takes more than two incomes to keep a household going. Mom and dad are stressed out, popping Zoloft, Prozac or whatever designer pill is in fashion, washed down with a liter of scotch. Where’s the communication with the kids. Cussing them out for not taking out the garbage, for talking too loud or blasting the rap music you don’t want to hear and don’t care what they are raping to your kids. Do you communicate with your children? Do you know what they are thinking? Off to daycare early in the morning, and the after school program in the evening. Fast food junkies, while killing, raping, drugs, gangs and guns baby sit the kids on any of the two hundred cable channels, rented movies, websites, and for good measure let’s throw in some video games for exercise.
Don’t have time to take the kids to the park, but you find time for the gym. Yea the streets are dangerous, there are more guns on the streets of New York then there are in Iraq. Kids are being killed because they wore the wrong color, stepped on someone shoe. Hell they don’t even have to do anything, they could just be on their way to school or sitting on their bed and get shot. You got hate groups, who hate because the other person is different. There are the trigger happy, scared cops who shot fifty bullets in a groom, because they scared. And that’s okay, they aint going to do no time for it. So lets’ get Al and march like King did in the 60’s, go to jail for civil disobedience. That’ll show them.
Why not march on the tears of mothers whose sons and daughters are the victims of the black on black crime. Black folks blasted Bill Cosby, black folks got to clean their own house before anyone else is going to respect them. Can’t criticize the KKK or the White Supremacy groups, when we kill more of our own then they do. Slavery, Jim Crow is a dead subject. This is a new world, where dumb niggers are left behind.
Black folk’s aint the only ones skid marks in their draws. In rural white communities when nice white kids are unhappy they get a gun and shoot up the campus, or make bombs and broadcast it over the internet. Then commit suicide for their fifteen minutes of fame. They do drugs; they rape women and grow up to be pedophiles, serial killers, psychopaths.
What does this have to do with an eleven-year-old who commits suicide? I asked, was the torment from a bunch of untrained seventh grade children so unbearable? Was it more to it? Why are young kids so stressed out? Do you think we are hurting our kids? Can we just stop for a minute and smell the roses? If they make you sneeze then smell the shit and start cleaning it up in your little corner of the world and maybe we can all smell some herbal tea instead of caffeine-laced coffee.
May God’s love save us.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: It Should Be Illegal To Smoke Around Children
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: It Should Be Illegal To Smoke Around Children: "WARNING!!Photos may be graphic. Photos from google images 'pictures of smokers' When I was growing up smoking was normal as not thinking a..."
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It Should Be Illegal To Smoke Around Children
Photos may be graphic. Photos from Google images "pictures of smokers"
When I was growing up smoking was normal as not thinking about breathing. Smoking was acceptable everywhere. You could smoke in the movie theater, in restaurants even on the trains. There were restrictions on minors purchasing cigarettes but it wasn’t enforced. Cigarettes were advertised on TV, even during children cartoons.
Check out this Winston commercial
In Times Square, NY, the Marlboro Man stood tall in the skyline, with his white Stetson hat and mustache, blowing smoke on the crowd below. Pick up any magazine and you would find several advertisments for cigarettes. Always young and beautiful people smoking, giving the illusion that it was cool to smoke.

They use to promote cigarettes by handing out free samples on the street. Everyone smoked; even pregnant women and we smoked everywhere and around everyone. Doctors, nurses and patients smoked in the hospital.
As we approached the 80s’ the dangers of smoking became prevalent. It was and is the major cause of lung cancer. It causes scaring and air pockets in the lungs called emphysema, which is irreversible. What happens is the air gets into your lungs and it’s difficult to release. Breathing then not a natural thing; you become aware of each breath.
At fifty years old I have three lung diseases and abnormalities in my lungs which has yet to be diagnosed. I use oxygen when I walk to help me breath. I take four medications daily and when needed I use a rescue inhaler and a nebulizer. I grew up in a house where everyone smoked. I started smoking regular at eight years old and I smoked for over forty years. Had I not gotten sick I would probably still smoke. I enjoyed smoking, as I guess any addict enjoys their drug of choice.
When the price of cigarettes started going up rapidly, when the cost was seventy-five cents I vowed to quit when they became a dollar. When they became a dollar I was so strung out I couldn’t quit. Cigarettes were over nine dollars when I stopped.
Over the years I would stop. I stopped to have my babies or when I would cough too much. But I always picked up again and again.
Two years ago, I couldn’t walk a block without gasping for air. I would walk up the stairs and it would be difficult to catch my breath. On my way to the emergency room I thought I had an infection and would get antibiotics, go home and get well. In the back of my mind I knew I had lung cancer, or COPD, yet refused to believe it could happen to me. Despite all my years of smoking I believed I would beat the odds. I was the exception.
In the emergency room, they measured my oxygen levels, my saturation was at seventy five. I had difficulty breathing for years. I knew it was the cigarettes. Like a crack head you see wasting away, but continues to abuse their self.
I’m pleading with people to stop smoking. The pleasure is not worth the consequences. If you can’t stop for yourself, stop for your babies. If you still can’t at least, DO NOT SMOKE AROUND YOUR CHILDREN. Even when you go in another room your children are inhaling those toxins and it’s affecting them. They develop asthma, bronchitis and lower immune systems. Children have the right to clean fresh air. You are setting an example for your kids when they see you smoke. You are setting a precedence saying its okay.
In addition smoking decreases the circulation in your digits (fingers) and/or limbs, sever circulation problems, will make you an amputee. It deprives the brain of oxygen, which can cause a stroke. Smoking also limits the amount of oxygen to your heart, which in turn can cause a heart attack and instant death. Not to mention the funk on your body. Smoking is so not worth it.
I see teenagers smoking and I just can't understand what would tempt them, in this day and age, when there are so many commercials warning against the dangers. There are many smoking limitations today, there aren't any advertisements. Do the movies make it glamorous? I don’t think they are more influencing, then witnessing the parents and the grownups they are around. Therefore it is your responsibility to set a positive example.
I was talking with my grandchildren about this movie where the kids’ wishes came true. One one of my grandchildren wished for her family to be rich, the other wished his family didn’t smoke. As they say out of the mouths of babes.
It should be illegal to smoke around children. Parents should be charged with child abuse if they smoke in the same building where children live. They should be charged if the children clothes smell like smoke. You’ve given birth to these precious little lives and they deserve a healthy start. We know better now.
Would you give your child a bottle of whisky to drink? Will you light a crack pipe for them? Will you expose them to porno? Smoking offers the same dangers.
There is a wealth of information to assist you with quitting as well as the dangers. There are free programs to help you stop smoking. Please get help.
Friday, December 3, 2010
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: CYNICAL LOVE
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: CYNICAL LOVE: "Love is a give and take agreement. It stands to reason that your mate would want to do what you enjoy, if not all the time, at least some..."
Love is a give and take agreement. It stands to reason that your mate would want to do what you enjoy, if not all the time, at least some of the times. I don’t really care for basketball, but my mate is a die-hard Knicks fan, sometimes I watch the games. When I watch a drama, I want my lovers company. It doesn’t always happen though.
I think after giving so much of me over the years my heart has hardened and I just go through the motions. In the beginning of a relationship people do things to put a smile on your face. Take you out, to plays, dinner, boat rides. Buy you flowers, gifts of jewels. You’re sexually desired. After they have you in their illusion of love, they only do things to make you happy as long as it doesn’t inconvenience them. Like not going to a concert because you don’t like the crowds, or you to the beach because you don’t like the sand. When you have true love, you do things to make your partner happy, to put a smile on their face and love in their heart.
In a relationship we should be willing to compromise to bring happiness to the one you care about, and the favor should be returned.
I believe our objective in life is to be happy, if not all the time at least most of the time. Every bit of happiness should be quality happiness. If you find that someone that makes you happy, you should want to make him or her happy also. But not at the expense of your own happiness, you shouldn’t be the only one compromising and giving.
Some believe if they give they are being used, or taken advantage of. They don’t know any better. They’ve been hurt and want to hurt before they get hurt. Love is trust and once you’ve been hurt you fear love and never truly love. You just don’t know what love is. You think having a companion satisfies you heart. Usually women keep believing in love, and keep taking chances and keep getting hurt. Men build a wall around their heart and usually want to dominate the relationship to prevent the pain. Woman will take the short, to appease the man’s fragile ego. This is the rule but there are the exceptions. Women can be cold and heartless and men soft and loving. It depends on how you’ve loved and been loved in return.
Closed-minded people who have been hurt, used, abused and taken advantage, of usually believe the next person they get into a relationship with will do them the same. You are compared, questioned and not trusted. I guess it’s only natural. We all need to realize we are all different; we look different, talk different and even act different. It’s unfair to judge someone on a pass relationship. We end up falling into a trap of trying to prove we are not the same and along the way we lose ourselves in trying. We lose sight of what makes ourselves happy, we begin to believe what makes our mate happy is what makes us happy.
When rockets stop exploding and lighting the sky, and just whistles and pops we realize something is missing. You start to question what your mate has done to accommodate your happiness. You want to know what you need and want in your life to make you happy. When it’s not provided you may develop resentment. Love starts to fade and eventually dies. Once a relationship begins to turn bitter, it’s hard to add enough sugar and cream to make it sweet again. What this actually says is that love may have never been there.
Making work relationships is hard. You have to tend to it with care, give it the right nutriments to make it strong, know when it needs a rest and when it’s playtime.
I have never been formally married, (hope to have a wedding one day), however I’ve been to enough weddings to respect the vows, to love, honor and cherish, (fuck obey), in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, until death do us part. There always come a time when something in the relationship goes wrong and we seek advice from mother, brother or other. They usually hear one side of the story; yours and they often give their opinion in your favor. It’s good for helping you feel better. But can anyone really know what’s going on in your relationship? So keep the vow of forsaking others, your love should be number one priority. Don’t you think? I mean once you let an outsider in your relationship you now have a ménage a toi’ without the pleasure.
I’m submissive and non-confrontational, so I usually step back and lock my feelings deep inside myself. Deep, down in a dark solidarity confinement dungeon, that even I can’t find the key to unlock the hurt and loneliness. I don’t write love poems anymore and find the old ones boring and fake. I have become disillusion by love.
My views on love are cynical and when I read love poems I understand the passion and deep emotions, I just don’t feel it. This is not to say I don’t wish to have the fireworks bursting in my life again. I just don’t think it’s going to happen. I’m at an age where bullshit has to take a long walk in the opposite direction. The rockets would just fizzle and pop. I would love to have strong arms around me, receive passionate kisses and have starry eyes gaze into mine. To have a hand holding the back of my neck, fingers running through my hair a palm on my cheek. I would die to have someone desire to make love to me. But those things die in relationships. Surprise gifts of things I want instead of things I need. Hell I’m your woman, not your child or mother. A case of Kotex is not a surprise. I’m almost fifty and I was never given a ring, a friendship, engagement or wedding band.
Everyone has faults, some you can live with some you can’t. You have to weigh the good verses the bad; no one can give you the answer because only you know the answer.
I’ve had deep passion in my life, but I always wanted more, I always gave too much and expected the same in return and when it lack I become distant. My meaningful relationships were as follow, one who spent his life in prison, one that too much pride, one that loved drugs more and one who loves drinking in the bar more. So that great love affair and passion aint going to happen for me, I blew my chances. So now I cry at weddings and sappy love story movies.
copyright K. Wilhelmina Floria 07/15/08
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: A Lesson to Be Learned
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: A Lesson to Be Learned: "In the beginning there’s a sperm and an ovary. A joining takes place in the womb, an embryo develops, grows and an infant is born, innocent..."
A Lesson to Be Learned
In the beginning there’s a sperm and an ovary. A joining takes place in the womb, an embryo develops, grows and an infant is born, innocent and ignorant to world outside the safe confines of the womb. The first thing this baby feels is the pain of birth, he learns to scream, and then cry. He’s given a nipple, he learns to suck and feels the warm and soothing milk fill his belly and feels secured cradled in the arms of someone who loves him. He quickly learns that if he whimpers cries and scream someone will come to his aide.
In time he learns to see, lift his head, sit, giggle, talk and finally walk. This takes months and patience for both the baby and the parents. Life is full of learning steps. Some of us learn with few mistakes, and even still some learn from their mistakes and move on. They learn that living is a process and there are rules that will guide all of us through these steps. Life must be met on its terms. You shouldn't rush, because quick steps make more steps when you have to start over again. Can an infant learn to walk before he learned to sit first, or crawl? If he tries, the result will be that he falls.
A child is a child and should live a child’s life. Playing, experimenting and learning. We shouldn't stop playing but there should come a time that we learn that too much playing will stifle our growth. We will mistakes and we should do whatever possible to avoid mistakes. We need to know, that there is a time for paying and there is a time for working. Working hard will make time for plenty of playing later.
We have one life and it’s really a short life. We don’t have plenty of time a head of us, within a single breath, we start to remember when. We come to a juncture in our life and discovered we wasted an era. So we try to catch up and rush to complete a task. What happens to the baby that tried to walk before he was ready? When we fall we hurt ourselves and each time we fall it gets harder. Each day of our lives is a day in the class room of life with many lessons to learn. We don’t have time to throw spit balls and being the class clown. Life is cruel and has no tolerance for nonsense; we must keep up with the changes, learn to get past the obstacles. Arm yourself against temptation battle it with visions of the future.
The answers are always within our reach, so close sometimes that we don’t even see it. We are blind to the obvious and often take the hard way around. My grandmother use to always say, ‘a hard head makes for a soft behind.’ In other words if you continue to ignore the slow and steady path, you will always take the rough road and end up with scratches and bruises and sometime an injury that may be so deep that the healing time will take a chunk out of your life. A time of healing that could have been better used to move forward to your possibilities. Then there’s the chance you may not heal from self inflicted wounds.
You made mistakes and you’re not where you want to be, so you play catch up. Good idea until you hit a brick wall. You’re not moving forward fast enough. You get mad, frustrated and feel like giving up and fall into old habits which has its consequences. You fall further behind and have to start over. You discover what you had before, was better then what you have now and so you beat yourself over the head and consider giving up. When will you learn? Will you ever stop acting like a new born baby and stop crying until you get your way? You do this because you haven’t learned that all that whimpering is not only ugly but useless.
If you take a moment and evaluate all the complaining you’ve done, you may see that you wasted great deal of time that could have been used to move forward in your quest for a better life. If you go with the flow of things you may find yourself closer to where you want to be. You aren’t getting there by whining and complaining, you should know that by now. How many times do you have to bang your head into a brick wall before you realize you keep getting a concussion? When will you realize it’s harmful? When? When you fall into a coma or when you’re finally dead?
Not everyone gets a second chance in life. Those of us, who are lucky to get them, need to embrace them and make the best out of it. Over time we should see that nothing is easy. If you really want the happiness, the success, peace of mind, work for it. If you believe it’s worth it then it’s worth the hard work. The discomfort of achieving your goal must be better then failing to achieve when the opportunity was available. Hard work has its own rewards, we may not see it when we should but we should try to adjust our eyes so we can see when we need to. Remember slow and steady wins the race.
In time he learns to see, lift his head, sit, giggle, talk and finally walk. This takes months and patience for both the baby and the parents. Life is full of learning steps. Some of us learn with few mistakes, and even still some learn from their mistakes and move on. They learn that living is a process and there are rules that will guide all of us through these steps. Life must be met on its terms. You shouldn't rush, because quick steps make more steps when you have to start over again. Can an infant learn to walk before he learned to sit first, or crawl? If he tries, the result will be that he falls.
A child is a child and should live a child’s life. Playing, experimenting and learning. We shouldn't stop playing but there should come a time that we learn that too much playing will stifle our growth. We will mistakes and we should do whatever possible to avoid mistakes. We need to know, that there is a time for paying and there is a time for working. Working hard will make time for plenty of playing later.
We have one life and it’s really a short life. We don’t have plenty of time a head of us, within a single breath, we start to remember when. We come to a juncture in our life and discovered we wasted an era. So we try to catch up and rush to complete a task. What happens to the baby that tried to walk before he was ready? When we fall we hurt ourselves and each time we fall it gets harder. Each day of our lives is a day in the class room of life with many lessons to learn. We don’t have time to throw spit balls and being the class clown. Life is cruel and has no tolerance for nonsense; we must keep up with the changes, learn to get past the obstacles. Arm yourself against temptation battle it with visions of the future.
The answers are always within our reach, so close sometimes that we don’t even see it. We are blind to the obvious and often take the hard way around. My grandmother use to always say, ‘a hard head makes for a soft behind.’ In other words if you continue to ignore the slow and steady path, you will always take the rough road and end up with scratches and bruises and sometime an injury that may be so deep that the healing time will take a chunk out of your life. A time of healing that could have been better used to move forward to your possibilities. Then there’s the chance you may not heal from self inflicted wounds.
You made mistakes and you’re not where you want to be, so you play catch up. Good idea until you hit a brick wall. You’re not moving forward fast enough. You get mad, frustrated and feel like giving up and fall into old habits which has its consequences. You fall further behind and have to start over. You discover what you had before, was better then what you have now and so you beat yourself over the head and consider giving up. When will you learn? Will you ever stop acting like a new born baby and stop crying until you get your way? You do this because you haven’t learned that all that whimpering is not only ugly but useless.
If you take a moment and evaluate all the complaining you’ve done, you may see that you wasted great deal of time that could have been used to move forward in your quest for a better life. If you go with the flow of things you may find yourself closer to where you want to be. You aren’t getting there by whining and complaining, you should know that by now. How many times do you have to bang your head into a brick wall before you realize you keep getting a concussion? When will you realize it’s harmful? When? When you fall into a coma or when you’re finally dead?
Not everyone gets a second chance in life. Those of us, who are lucky to get them, need to embrace them and make the best out of it. Over time we should see that nothing is easy. If you really want the happiness, the success, peace of mind, work for it. If you believe it’s worth it then it’s worth the hard work. The discomfort of achieving your goal must be better then failing to achieve when the opportunity was available. Hard work has its own rewards, we may not see it when we should but we should try to adjust our eyes so we can see when we need to. Remember slow and steady wins the race.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: Why are you special?
My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny: Why are you special?: "There’s this joke, you’re so special, both your parents must have been retarded. Have you wonder what makes you special? Do you think you’..."
Why are you special?
There’s this joke, you’re so special, both your parents must have been retarded.
Have you wonder what makes you special? Do you think you’re special? Do you wonder what your purpose is? Do we all have a reason for existing? Are we just fillers for the special people? Do we exist so the special people have someone to make them special?
Were the lives of a still born baby or the baby that lived for a few months after birth, insignificant? Ask their parents; ask the rest of their family, who remembers that child many years later. What about the child who died unexpectedly by a drunk driver. Was that child’s purpose to bring awareness to drinking and driving? What about the child with a terminal illness that touches so many lives in their short life? Did his/her short life have purpose? Are these messages, glimpse of divine presence?
John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, J. Edgar Hoover, Gandhi, Hannibal, Shuka Zulu, Hitler to name a few who made into the history books, they had a purpose in our past, present and future. Good or bad depends on who you ask. We all see things in our own way. Of these men, who I believe to be great and influenced my life, may not be that to you. What is certain is that they are known and had a purpose.
What about the babies I mentioned above? What was their purpose? Were they born to bring the parents who were moving apart back together? Or did they come to teach their family to appreciate life and not to take anything for granted.
The homeless man living in the shadows, picking through garbage, defecating where he can or in his pants, smelling so bad most people shun him. Then there’s that good person who helps him. Gives him a dollar or take him to where he can get a meal, shower and a place to sleep for the night out of the cold. Is his purpose to make the one who helped him special? Or is his purpose to teach compassion, disgust or humanity?
What about that man who broke into your neighbor’s house? What is his purpose? Is it to give the cops a live target practice their marksmanship techniques? Is the point to teach the homeowner to secure their locks on the door? Does he inspire the people living in the home to appreciate what is important? That the TV, wii, money and cell phones he took, mean nothing compared to the precious, irreplaceable lives that were spared when the robber left.
Sadness and anger fill many of our days; we are sometimes disappointed in ourselves. Life may not be what we expect. We witness the happiness that those around us experience and feel envious. Others allow us to see what they want us to see, we don’t see what’s in their heart. Their happiness may be an illusion to which we would like to participate in. We don’t know what trials and tribulations they may be experiencing. All the power, riches and material gains in the world won’t buy happiness, love or everlasting life. We find this in our hearts, in our faith. First we must make peace with our selves and learn to appreciate who we are and have done in our lives. My high school teacher said to my graduating class, "if you've touched one person in your life, you've done your job." Have you?
Ever heard the saying God don’t make junk. The terrorist who blew up the Twin Towers, in my opinion they were evil and heartless devils. But God created them gave them the life they lived. Even they had a purpose. For a short time after the destruction there was camaraderie among Americans. We showed compassion for each other. We felt the pain, all of us no matter what our ethnic background were, we had a common enemy. We raised our flags and all agreed to go to war to defend our lands. However brief that brotherhood was, it was, therefore, there was a purpose. Once a year we remember that brotherhood, that love we shared for our fellow man. Then life goes on. Fighting among ourselves over healthcare, war, the economy and the laws man has created to govern us with. Rapes, abuse and murders do those who commit such ask have a purpose?
We stand in judgment of each other, believing that our thoughts and opinions are the right one. This will either cause conflict or a heated discussion. There are always two sides to a story, there is no absolute right or wrong. Your reality may not be my reality, that doesn't make us neither wrong nor does it make us both right. We live life on our own terms, not considering the reason of our existing. Until at some point we start to look at our lives. Evaluating and weighing the decision we’ve made or will make over time. We see things through new eyes, we’ve grown and developed and ask the question. What was my purpose? Why was I?
Life offers us many gifts, sometimes we don’t recognize them. Take your time; consider every opportunity that presents itself. Often times you get what you need. Don’t reject what life offers you because its’ not what you want. A fool will live in the past and miss the present that leads to a future. Whatever life throws at you, you need to catch. And make that home run, don’t strike out, but if you do start a new game.
When we were youngsters we had all the answers. As we grow older and hopefully wiser we learn that life is one long question and it will take a life time to find the answers if there be any.
All of us have an objective no matter how minute and insignificant we may think our existence is. A word, a jester, even a smile may be the turning point to save a life. A life that is extraordinary and significant, to the lives they touch or maybe even to mankind.
We may not know why we are, but that we are, therefore there is a point to our existence. I know that I am special because I am, my purpose I don’t know but my life has meaning, and so does yours.
Copyright Kimberly Floria 11/24/2010
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